Shop Mediumship Reading / Session | Spirit Readings | Tarot Reading | All Mediumship Reading / Session Spirit Readings Tarot Reading Mini Reading (2 Tarot and 1 Oracle) from $20.00 sale Select Topic Is he/she the right person for me? What’s blocking my success? Should I pursue this opportunity? How can I improve my current relationship? What do I need to focus on today? Am I on the right spiritual path? What small change can improve my energy? How does my crush feel about me? 1 Custom Question 2 Custom Questions Add To Cart Standard Reading (5 Tarot and 1-2 Oracle) from $35.00 sale Select Topic 1 Custom Question 2 Custom Questions What are the past influences shaping my current situation? What does the future hold for my career? What steps should I take to find love? What is the energy surrounding my financial goals? What is my biggest challenge right now, and how can I overcome it? What hidden strengths can I harness? What is the best approach to a difficult conversation? What’s coming next in my love life? Add To Cart In-Depth Readings (9 Tarot and 1-3 Oracle) from $65.00 sale Select Topic 1 Custom Question 2 Custom Questions What are the key challenges I need to overcome? What lessons am I learning in my current relationship? How can I align with my life’s purpose? What’s the overall energy of the next six months? What guidance does Spirit have for me on my healing journey? What patterns am I repeating, and how can I break them? What do I need to know about my family dynamics? What opportunities are available that I’m not seeing? How can I balance my love life and career? What is the future of my current relationship and job? How can I attract love while advancing my career? What are the key lessons Spirit wants me to learn about work and love? What changes should I make to improve my relationship and career success? Add To Cart Three Questions Reading (includes minimum 3 card pulls per question , 1-3 oracle card pull) Sale Price:$60.00 Original Price:$120.00 sale Select Topic 3 Custom Questions What is my soulmate’s energy? What steps will help me heal? What is blocking me from manifesting abundance? How can I enhance my spiritual connection? What decision should I make in this major life choice? Add To Cart Spirit Animal Reading Sale Price:$25.00 Original Price:$50.00 sale Add To Cart Message from Spirit (Spirit Guide) 2-3 oracle card pulls Sale Price:$40.00 Original Price:$80.00 sale Select Topic What guidance do my spirit guides have for me at this time? What is my soul’s purpose, and how can I align with it? What lessons am I meant to learn from my current situation? What steps should I take to overcome challenges or blocks? What messages of love and reassurance do my guides want me to hear? How can I deepen my connection with my spirit guides? What path should I take to align with my highest potential? What is the spiritual significance of recurring dreams or symbols I’ve been seeing? 1 Custom Question 2 Custom Questions Add To Cart Mini Mediumship Reading (Non-evidential) from $20.00 sale Select Topic 1 Custom Question 2 Custom Questions What message does my loved one want me to hear today? Is my loved one watching over me? What sign should I look for from my loved one? What memory do they want me to cherish? What message does my pet in Spirit have for me? Add To Cart Evidential Mediumship (Zoom/Facetime) $150.00 Add To Cart In-Person Evidential Mediumship Session (Las Vegas Area) $200.00 Add To Cart