
Evidential Mediumship Reading Review of Dale W. – A Deep Family Connection Revealed

In the evidential mediumship reading for Dale, Tommy felt a strong motherly energy in the pre-reading but couldn't distinguish whether it was Dale's mother or grandmother.

Through psychometry—the ability to receive spiritual impressions from objects—Tommy discovered that the rosary belonged to both, highlighting their deep connection. Dale reflects on the accuracy of the reading and how it resonated with him. This reading is featured in a preview video on YouTube as part of Tommy's channel, Divine Spirit Messenger. The full episode will be available as Episode 2 of Divine Spirit Messenger on YouTube.

James’ Mediumship Reading – A Powerful Connection

A few years ago, I met James, a Filipino-American, and we recently reconnected through mutual friends. During a gathering, he shared that his mother had passed, and I offered my condolences. As we talked, he expressed interest in an evidential mediumship reading, and we made it happen.

Besides knowing that his mom had passed, I had no prior information about her. In this session, I connected with her energy through a personal item James provided and channeled detailed messages that he was able to validate.

Watch the full episode on our YouTube channel soon and witness the incredible evidence that came through!

The Story of Gail M. - Las Vegas, NV - Filmed and edited by Shawn Rosen.

In this short preview video, Gail reflects on the accuracy of the messages brought forward from her sister and father. Stay tuned—the full episode of Gail’s reading will be available on YouTube. You won’t want to miss this powerful session where Spirit’s love and messages truly shine through.

The first episode to be released soon on Youtube